Review: Heavy Runner - Life Music

If Poland’s contribution to hardcore in 2019 could be summed up in one album, this would be the one. Heavy Runner is the rarest of beast: tough as nails but fun. Life Music sounds like a tribute to glory days of beatdown and certainly captures zeitgeist of 90' Baltimore hardcore by the way of Stout and Next Step Up. Some extra Rucktion/Ninebar flavor here and there to boost up the craziness, while the vocals vibe like this guy received spiritual guidance from DMX himself. Get at me dog!

The chemistry between the band members is amazing and everybody is doing their part while vocals spit out some truthful lyrics that appeal to both sides of the brain. The backing gruffy vocals add some counter balance to swagged out lead singer. To some this music might appear too simple or even basic, yet beneath the surface, a lot of work was done to make these tracks pop. There is an art to being simple so fuck people who think that way.

Probably the best part of this album is that they don't take it too seriously. It's all positive and full of healthy mental content even when they deal with some shitty subject matter. And don't get me wrong, they walk a thin line but there's never anything goofy or gimmick about it. No doubt this no-fucks-given attitude and survivor mentality is the main source of electricity in this album.

Heavy Runner delivers some of the best hardcore of recent memory and Life Music is already included in my top 10 of 2019. Good stuff to annoy your girlfriend, offend your parents and upset the neighbors. Keep your shit the hardest!

Ratel / Ugly&Proud 2019